Investors in People

SafetyNow OLT

SafetyNow OLT (Online Training) is proven to dramatically improve retention with a minimum 20x ROI in the first year. Did you know that employees forget 70% of what they learn within 24 hours? SafetyNow not only answers your training needs but uses modern learning technology to ensure your safety message sticks.

Some Brands We Work With

Since 1929 we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of businesses reduce accidents & incidents, trim costs, and save countless lives.

Beat The Forgetting Curve

If your goal is to build a safety culture and maintain a zero-incident rate, making sure that your compliant safety message is retained and implemented is key. But over 90% of safety managers report that their employees are not engaged during safety training. Most are just showing up for the donuts. With SafetyNow’s retention module (part of our online course packages), your safety message sticks and training recall is over 95% even after 30 days.

What is SafetyNow Online Training Retention

Maximum retention starts with a training experience delivered in 20 min to accommodate human attention spans.

Review key takeaways with a 2 min bite-sized lesson 24 hrs after initial training when learner retention drops the most.

Learners continue to recall training through mastery exercises on a regular cadence. Over time, safety sticks!

We Guarantee Your Compliance

Eliminate the risk of fines, build a safety culture, and reduce accidents

SafetyNow Online Training

Better Online Safety Training

SafetyNow has an award-winning learning management system that solves all of the major frustrations of safety managers and the executive suite.

Our LMS is up and running in minutes; the average learning curve for employees is seconds; it reports real-time metrics that matter; it works on any device and in any location. It’s a better way to manage your safety program, and the results show it.

In fact, we saved a logistics company $1M in its first year through reduced insurance premiums and cost controls. Do you know of any other safety training solution with a 200x ROI?

Hold Your Team Accountable

No more hounding workers to complete training.

SINCE 1929 – We Know Safety

We started out as a union publication back in the 20’s and we’ve been focused on safety compliance and training ever since. We were in business when the hard hat was invented, and when concussion sensors were added to PPE. But we aren’t old, we’re innovating and winning awards for our LMS and online training – we’re just hitting our stride, and on a mission to help as many organizations as we can in the next hundred years.

Industry Focused

Want your safety training to work? Make it relevant. Make it relevant to the task; make it relevant to your team; make it relevant to the worksite; make it relevant to the industry. Whether you are utilizing instructor-led safety training, safety videos, and/or online safety courses – SafetyNow has industry-specific training that is compliant, relevant and works. We won’t let you down, and we ensure that all our training solutions are always compliant.


Online Courses

Hazard specific and compliant in English, French & Spanish


Retention Rate

Our courses have a higher retention rate – train once!



Award-winning LMS you can implement in minutes.

Benefits of E-Learning

Watch a recorded webinar of our Chief Safety Officer discuss the cost/benefits associated with eLearning for safety. Find out how you can deliver a consistent safety message and reduce costs over just an instructor-led program.

“We saved $1 million dollars in reduced insurance premiums in the first year we implemented SafetyNow safety training, and our employees are utilizing time they would have otherwise wasted retaining our safety message.”

Safety Director

HR Logistics

Bundle Your Training

Maybe you are looking to combine eLearning, instructor-led resources, and videos into your overall safety training strategy. Talk to one of our safety experts to put together a bundle solution that will get you on the path to zero-incidence.

Training Smarter

Start with safety training, but then you can expand to include all your company training and onboarding into the SafetyNow LMS. Our members use the LMS for sales training, financials education, onboarding policies and more.

Better OHS Training

Starting at


Per Employee Per Month

  • Unlimited access to courses

  • Access to OHS experts & lawyers

  • Webinars with thought leaders

  • Upload your own material to LMS

  • Open integrations with HRIS et al

  • Watch as your accidents & incidents rates drop

  • Time-tested and field proven for decades

We’ll be in touch soon!

What problem are you trying to solve?

SafetyNow is a modern, sleek learning platform that helps make your workforce smarter and faster. SafetyNow improves learning, communication, and alignment, allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of your workforce and react in real-time. In a nutshell, it provides everyone with the tools they need to do a great job, starting with you.

Is water wet? Of course SafetyNow is mobile. You can take courses in SafetyNow on your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Its responsive design ensures a smooth, consistent experience wherever you are. Unless you’re on Machu Pichu or something. And, at that point, maybe it’s ok to put down the device and live that life of yours.

We’re all about the cloud! And because we are native cloud, there are no versions, no upgrades, no downloads, and no migrations. It all happens automatically, so there’s less risk, less to manage, and less downtime. Fewer fits of rage too.

Absolutely. We conduct regular audits and even contract independent security specialists to perform and publish a public security audit. Rest assured: our data is encrypted and secure.

With SafetyNow, capacity scales automatically with demand using peak load management. When you need us most, we’re up and ready to go. If SafetyNow were a shelter for animals, it would be a stable. If it were a Super Bowl champion QB, it would be Ken Stabler. If it were a made-up saint, it would be St. Able.

Yes! SafetyNow integrates smoothly with standard ERP and CRM systems.

Yes again! SafetyNow is designed to integrate with standard Human Resource Information Systems.

SafetyNow supports internal authentication and delegated authentication via CAS and other standard protocols. (Short answer: yes!)

The SafetyNow team is constantly working on new features. We release updates—often including new and exciting features—to SafetyNow every two weeks.

20 minutes. While uncommon, workers training with SafetyNow for the first time may pull that average upwards before getting comfortable with the course structure. Of course, some topics are more intensive than others, but generally, for Online Safety Training, basic safety training courses, somewhere under 30 minutes is the expectation. 

For efficiency, course material covers only what is essential for training to match OSHA compliance requirements.

For specific info about each course, take a look at our course catalog, and click on the course you want to learn more about.

For example, a look at our Online Safety Training Basic First Aid course will tell you:

  • Duration of the course
  • Available languages for the course
  • Outline of the course
  • Learning objectives
  • Corresponding OSHA regulations addressed by the course
  • Helpful info about course relevancy to occupational health and safety

Perfect for helping your organization reach compliance, an Online Safety Training course is an engaging online training experience that we’ve already built.

From OSHA to MSHA, take a look at our Online Safety Training course listings to find what you’re looking for.

Yes. We currently have 50+ courses in Spanish and French, for example, and we have the ability to translate courses into any language.

Ask us for an updated list of courses available for the non-English speaking workforce.

From experience, we understand that people learn differently and that the most effective training incorporates a mix of audio, imagery, film, and text.

That’s why we design our courses to reach the high-risk, ‘blue-collar’ laborforce, with an ‘all of the above’ strategy for instructional design. This works especially well for workers with language and literacy issues, who are able to rely on basic visual cues.

And to help reach workers who have a limited understanding of computers, we have tutorials, live seminars, and online support. SafetyNow courses are designed for simplicity, making them easy to work through even for workers with little or no proficiency with computers and digital devices. 

Fact: one customer managed a workforce where over 80 different languages were represented; not one worker was unable to complete our courses.

Yes. OSHA and other regulators recognize that online training improves accountability, recordkeeping, workforce readiness, and worker engagement.


Our team closely follows regulatory proposals and changes. When regulators prepare to implement a new standard addressed in our training, we strive to make the change well ahead of the implementation date, to help our customers stay in compliance. For example, last year we updated over 30 courses.

Maybe. Each company is different, and some standards require two forms of training: knowledge and practical. For many customers, our courses satisfy the entire knowledge portion of the training program. Depending on your industry, there may be specific conditions where additional training is required for the workforce. We’ve got much experience evaluating these situations, and will be able to tell exactly what you’ll need, and what you don’t.

For safety, the best practice calls for annual training, for consistency and ease of planning, yet this depends on the risks your workers are exposed to do on the job and the environment in which they operate.

Generally, we work to tailor your training plan to your workforce, by job classification, to provide the most value.

Yes. SafetyNow training can help your organization lower insurance premiums by reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Because insurance premiums are directly related to insurance claims, effective safety training programs can help increase safety awareness in the workforce, and reduce the number of accidents resulting in claims for high-risk work environments.

We can’t say exactly how your particular insurance company would adjust your premiums based on our training, but many insurance companies and risk pools, like Liberty Mutual, do use our courses to train their workforce.

Customers have qualified for discounts after moving safety training online with SafetyNow.

The traditional expenses associated with safety training, including time out of production, travel, instructor fees, and administrative overhead, are usually reduced after moving to online training. These savings will depend on the size of the safety training program: the larger the workforce, the larger the training program, the harder it is to manage, the higher the risk and liability.

Generally, the less time your workforce spends off of the job, in training sessions, the higher the productivity of that workforce.

SafetyNow training may reduce the rate of time-loss injuries, and the number of workers’ compensation claims, but those are results that cannot be calculated prior to program implementation.

The return on investment (ROI) is different for each organization, yet through added efficiency our customers realize savings. That’s why over 90% of our customers train with SafetyNow year after year.

SafetyNow offers a smarter, faster training experience, for a safer, more productive workforce.

Although there is a fantastic mobile app for the LMS, you don’t have to use it! The courses will run on your browser – no extras needed!

At a basic level, no.

However, if the training solution you need requires a complex custom portal with data integration, custom content, and custom programming —and that’s all up to you— there will probably be an additional expense.

Either way, you’ll know about it up front; any additional implementation costs related to custom work are quoted during the discovery phase, not after an agreement is signed.

We try to make implementation as simple as possible, and this is all we ask:

Meet with your personal Customer Service Rep.

Complete and return the Customer Success Document, which aligns training with your workforce.

Open your Launch Package; it has everything you need to begin training.  

Let your Service Rep know if there is anything else they can help you with.

Confidently, nobody does as much for customers after the sale as we do. We recognize an opportunity to make your life a little easier, and seize it. 

We get it. That’s why our Safety Training System (LMS) was designed to do one job—safety training management.

We ask our customers to consider us the ‘super administrator’, meaning that we handle nearly of the implementation process, and much of the software activity in support of the customer mission.

We don’t simply hand you the keys and disappear, but take the wheel, and take responsibility to set you up for success until you’re comfortable with the System (won’t take long) and all of your questions are answered. This separates us from the competition.

When you train with SafetyNow, you’re assigned a personal, non- commissioned Customer Service Rep, whose job is to make your life easier. 

At a basic level, workers need access to a modern computer with an internet browser, and a broadband internet connection.

For browsers, courses work with the most recent version of Chrome or FireFox, and Internet Explorer 9 or above.

For mobile devices, the latest available operating system for Android or iOS devices is required.

Depending on your needs, courses can be delivered in a variety of industry standard formats including SCORM and AICC, or through our Safety Training System (LMS).

Yes. Courses can be delivered in a variety of standard formats common to the online training industry, including SCORM and AICC. Our courses are compatible with several modern Learning Management System (LMS) platforms. 

Yes. As an option, our software may track the time that each student spends with each course. The Safety Training System (LMS) can also show you the average time and total training time spent by class.

Yes. One reason that customers select our Safety Training System (LMS) is that the software allows training program managers to post custom content, like policies and instructive slide shows. This functionality allows safety and training professionals to integrate native company material into the system, and supplement the content covered in our training courses.

Yes. Contact your Rep to discuss options and facilitate the process.

Let’s Make Things Happen

We’ve built our reputation on helping thousands of organizations reduce accidents & incidents – and build better safety cultures.

“Staff are always commenting on how much they appreciate Bongarde/SafetyNow’s safety talks. It helps them be more aware of the hazards around the plant. There is no doubt that implementing Bongarde/SafetyNow has improved company morale.”

Terri Digness

Saputo, QA Supervisor

Richard Tobin

President & CEO

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